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Beginner Ukulele Level 3

Image of a woman's hand playing a Ukulele, by Hannah Busing

Debut  Grade Ukulele Exam

You've learned Levels 1-3 and you've practiced hard! Now you are ready for your exam!

Exam Structure

Exam Structure

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Here's is a breakdown of everything needed for the exam! To be ready make sure you are comfortable with the following:

Performance Songs: Three pre-selected songs with a backing track.


Technical Exercises - Scales: C Major and A Natural Minor scales, played ascending and descending.

Technical Exercises - Chords: A selection from five chords, picked by your examiner.

Technical Exercises - Arpeggios: C Major and A Minor arpeggios, played ascending and descending.


Sight Reading: A short 4 bar passage, reading open strings.


Listening Skills - Melodic Recall: Pitch recognition.

Listening Skills - Harmonic Recall: Chord recognition.


General Musicianship: Four general musicianship questions, chosen by your examiner.

Some of the above may seem difficult at first, but by learning from this book you will gain all of the knowledge needed to able to complete the exam. Take your time and practice, practice, practice!

Marking Scheme

The exam is scored out of a total of 100 marks, see below for a clear breakdown:

Exam - Marking Scheme

Once the examiner has scored each section of the exam a percentage will be worked out, here is a breakdown and the pass marks needed:

Exam - Pass Marks
Marking Scheme

How to Book Your Exam

Our exams are accredited by Online Music Exams (OME) and can be completed online using a PC or Mac. To book your exam, you can purchase access by visiting here!


To find out more information about how taking your exam works, please visit:

How to Book
Practice Help

Practice Help

Here's some quick-fire links to the songs and exercises needed for the exam. If you are not comfortable with all the parts below make sure to go back to in the course and re-watch the tutorials.

Performance Songs: Life Is BeachySince Uke Been GoneHot Sauce


Technical Exercises - Scales: C Major and A Natural Minor scales backing track

Technical Exercises - Chords: Chords

Technical Exercises - Arpeggios: C Major and A Minor arpeggios backing track


Sight Reading: Examples of short 4 bar passage, reading open strings


Listening Skills - Melodic Recall: Pitch recognition examples (Higher / Lower)

Listening Skills - Harmonic Recall: Chord recognition examples (Major / Minor)


General Musicianship: Four general musicianship questions, chosen by your examiner

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